Strategic Partner Of CWIEME Berlin Holds Inner Mongolia Rare-Earth Industry Online Show In China This Month
On July 20, 2021, the Inner Mongolia Rare-Earth Industry online show, sponsored by the Department of Commerce of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, CMEC International Exhibition Co., Ltd., will kick off, which will set the stage for rare-earth industry enterprises to integrate image display, brand promotion, mutual exchange, and business negotiation, and will jointly grasp the future growth of the
Chuangyang Culture uses BlackMagic design equipment to provide live broadcast technical support for Tomford
Chuangyang Culture, a Chinese short video and live broadcast enterprise, chose to use BlackMagic design equipment to provide live broadcast technical support for the top international cosmetics brand Tomford. In Alibaba's live broadcast platform, it has achieved more excellent picture quality and stable live broadcast service up to 12 hours per day with ultra-low bit rate.
Esperti medici si uniscono a China Eastern Airlines per costruire "muri protettivi" di primo soccorso in volo
Wang Ren, un medico ortopedico, ha salvato un passeggero di sesso maschile con anamnesi di palpitazioni. Il 1°maggio il passeggero ha sofferto di oppressione toracica, mancanza di respiro e dispnea a bordo del volo MU2259 da Guangzhou a Xi'an.
InfiRay Releases World's 1st 8 Micron Thermal Camera Detector
Yantai, China, June 9, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - InfiRay has developed the world's 1st 8 micron uncooled thermal camera detector, with a large array (1920 x 1080) and core technologies including a low noise readout circuit, high uniformity VOx film, sub-wavelength optical absorption structure, and small pixel self-heating effect compensation. A higher spatial resolution has been achieved and moving
BYD Builds One-millionth New Energy Passenger Car
First 100 pure-electric BYD Tang SUVs head to Norway with plans to deliver 1500 cars in 2021
China Eastern Airlines ottiene risultati notevoli nella riduzione di emissioni di carbonio e nel perseguimento di uno sviluppo sostenibile
China Eastern Airlines (China Eastern) ha risparmiato più di 600.000 tonnellate di olio combustibile e ridotto le emissioni di carbonio di circa due milioni di tonnellate nel 2020, grazie ai suoi sforzi per migliorare l'efficienza operativa e promuovere lo sviluppo verde negli ultimi anni, secondo l'ultimo rapporto sulla responsabilità sociale d’impresa (RSI).
《问鼎全球高端 领创璀璨未来》2021年引领全球各界巅峰人物——周和林
周和林 1950年生于上海,祖籍浙江镇海。学生时代即习书法美术,1984年参加上海中国画院美术书法进修班,师承胡问遂,钱茂生等名师,曾获得“ 上海市职工书法篆刻展”一等奖,“神龙杯”全国青少年书法大赛园丁奖等。作品入编《上海书画家篆刻名典》,1984年由赵冷月,钱茂生介绍加入上海书法家协会,原为上海市少年宫,宜川学区艺术学校书法教师,现为上海东方书画院画师、中华卫视艺术风采栏目艺木会员、中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会委员、现在上海同欣进修学校书法兼职教师,民建会艺专委副主席.中国楹联书研会常务理事,新文艺报副编辑。
Pecron S1500: The Most Compact Portable Power Station Is Launching On Indiegogo
Pecron, an under-the-radar brand specialized in portable power source and outdoor energy solutions, is launching its latest model S1500: the most compact portable power station on Indiegogo.